2014年11月11日 星期二

CC2541 I2C Slave Device

CC2541 Function Block

CC2530 I2C implemented by GPIO

CC2530 I2C Pin Define
P0_1: IIC-SDA 


CMD_I2C_BYTE_WRITE (Success return 0x01Fail return 0x00)

CMD_ I2C_BYTE_READ (Success return 0x01Fail return 0x00)

CC2541Ex  I2C Pin define

Circuit Diagram

I2C Write/Read Operations

I2C Write
FEAAFFCC (Address0xFFWrite data0xCC)

I2C Read
FEBBFF ( Read address 0xFFRead data form slave device)

CC2541 I2C Master Device

CC2541 Function Block

CC2541Ex  I2C Pin define

Circuit Diagram 

USART Command Format
IIC Byte Write 

IIC Byte Read

CC2530 8051 USART porting to CC254x

CC2530 8051 USART porting to CC254x

1. Create a new project

2. Project → Option setting

3. Copy CC2530 8051 example code to new project directory
4. Modify,Compiler and program to CC254x
5. USART will send "HELLO_CC254x"

CC2540/CC2541 BLE Development Board ( CC254xEM / SmartRF / SmartRF-BB)

CC2540/CC2541 BLE Development Board ( CC254xEM / SmartRF / SmartRF-BB) 

1. CC254xEM / SmartRF / SmartRF-BB combined into BLE-SmartRF-CC254x development board
2. BLE-SmartRF-CC254x compatible with TI development board


